Friday, March 12, 2010

We have been enjoying our time together. Being a dad is something else. Especially at this stage of the game. Rocket is cuttin teeth and daddy is going looney sometimes. Ana has been a great mother and gives me the time I need in the studio to prepare for this season. Some ideas have been floatin around the shop. My split vases are still in the works. I have to tape and zip tie them to dry evenly. They have been the most challenging piece so far but I think they'll be nice when they come out. I've also really been refing or changing up my stacked vessels. Surface decoration combined with certain forms have been a huge focus this past couple years. My need to constantly explore handles on certain pieces has been alot of fun. I actually like the fact that the handle is saved for the last because it's the icing on the cake. My favorite application to these pieces. I stand back at the finished greenware and realize that my pots are getting more in depth and architectural, hopefully leaving a permenece impression. I leave to give my "Soft Pots" workshop at John C Campbell folkschool in a couple weeks. This is the begiining to hopefully a full, fun and prosperous spring/summer. You can get all my events(shows/workshops) at my website I super stoked to be in the 4 bridges art fair in april. It falls on my birthday here where we live, Chattanooga TN. lots of friends and beer will be involved and a diplay of brand new Shadow May pots and sculpture.When the rain finally stops My wife, son and I plan to till the garden and get the veggies growing. I know that our food can be and is so readily available but Rocket will definetley be raised learning how to grow and where it comes from and why. Just good lessons for children that most never get the opportunity to learn or experience. I think a baby waking up. Take care

1 comment:

  1. I love the new work. Can't wait to it in the flesh. Tommy
